Why Anti-Facebooks Won’t Work.

A couple years ago now, when Facebook was at the height of it’s privacy issues, a few young kids decided they needed to do something about it. They came up with an idea they called Diaspora. It was exactly what we needed at the time, a Facebook where you owned all your own data. They posted this video:

Kickstarter video

And the web went nuts. Kickstarter was new, relatively untested, unsure of what it would become and who would want to participate. But then these kids, and they were (still are) kids, completely blew the doors off their fundraising plan netting over $200K from over 6,000 investors donors.

People were hungry for a site that would deal with the privacy issues that they didn’t understand, that they media was over-hyping.

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McDonald’s Monopoly Game and the Prisoner’s Dilemma

One of my first blog posts on Hot Tub Crime Machine was about the similarities between the McDonald’s Monopoly game and classic Prisoner’s Dilemma. Judging by the amount of search traffic this post drives to the blog, it has consistently been one of the most popular posts, even though it’s almost a year old. So with the latest incarnation of the Monopoly game now at McDonald’s, and several new TV ads promoting it (featuring LeBron and Michelle Wie), I felt it was a good time to re-post the classic.

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Why You Shouldn’t “Friend” Your Patients.

I recently received two LinkedIn requests. From my dentists. These came right on the heels of a notification that the dental practice was following me on Twitter.

I’ve left these LinkedIn requests in “limbo” while I try to figure out whether or not to accept them. While they are people I have a relationship with, why would they want to connect with me on LinkedIn? Or maybe the better question is, why would I want to be connected with THEM?

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